Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Story of Sarah

This is Sarah Mercer-Smith. Sarah defies the typical path her peers take, and sets an example for future generations.

The first thing that strikes you about Sarah is that a timid girl. Being shy may make an individual less adventurous, however, Sarah is not afraid to become involved. By being active, she does not have as much free time which allows her resist doing drugs and alcohol. Which seems to be a popular option among some of her friends and other peers.

This is a story about how peer pressure can break some, and make the courageous stronger. And how being shy is not an impossible roadblock to overcome in the journey to become social.

Sarah is a young, musically-gifted girl, who likes to challenge herself by becoming involved. She learned to play many instruments since she was a little girl. Also is constantly involved in school organizations.

Throughout her high school curriculum Sarah has been involved in a lot of different activities. She describes herself as a “big package of everything” to explain her diverse school involvement. On top of journalism she also participates in band, choir, and mock trial.

Of course what makes Sarah unique is that unlike many of her peers Sarah is involved in multiple school sponsored activities, and stays above the influence of both drugs and alcohol. Which not only shows a will to do better for herself and set a example for the generation to follow, but it also shows how courageous even the most timid of people can be.

1 comment:

  1. Really nicely done. Big pic paragraph is clear and thoughtful. If drugs, etc were worth mentioning twice, maybe offer more in the way of explanation. Were these things real threats inher social group. Show me.
